Reflection: Presentation 1

Please watch the recording of your first presentation, which I will upload to a private Kaizena conversation with you within two days of your presentation.
Complete the following short reflection on your presentation, and bring your reflection (handwritten or printed) to class:
1. On a scale of 1-10 (1 = not well and 10 = very well), rate your presentation in terms of:
  • content
  • vocabulary
  • grammar
  • pronunciation
  • presentation skills (eye contact, gestures, speed, etc.)

2. How did you prepare for and practice your presentation? Did you use any of the suggestions from the “Making Yourself a Better Understood Speaker” listening, and were they helpful?

3. What specific elements of your presentation went well, or what are you proud of? What are 2-3 things you would like to work on improving for the next presentation?

4. Which of your classmates’ presentations did you find most interesting or informative, and why?