Course Components

Daily assignments and homework will be assigned in class and posted on as a blog post in the Daily Assignments page on this website. Details on all the major assignments will also be provided in class.

You can use the Grade Estimator to estimate and keep track of your grade in the class; however, please keep in mind that it is an estimate.

Daily Assignments (20%)

You will complete a variety of daily in-class and homework assignments, including: listening guides, presentation and discussion preparation, vocabulary and grammar quizzes, informal presentations, at-home recordings of your speaking, and pronunciation activities.

Because this is a class focused on speaking and listening, you will need to participate and engage actively in class. Your daily work grade therefore reflects your active participation in the course, such as: coming regularly to class (see the policies on absences and tardies), engaging actively in class group work and discussions, volunteering to answer questions, using technologies (e.g. cell phones, laptops, tablets) responsibly in class, and making the class an overall better environment.

Class Discussions (15%) / Rubric

You will participate in a variety of small- and large-group discussions about topics explored in the course units and student presentations. Each discussion will use a slightly different format, and each person will be assigned a different role in preparation for the discussion. You are encouraged to prepare thoroughly beforehand and bring notes.

Class Discussion Leader (10%) / rubric

You will sign up with 2-3 partners to lead one of our class discussions. You will prepare by carefully reading, watching, or listening to the discussion materials. During the discussion, you will be responsible for working together to lead the discussion during class by asking questions, soliciting opinions, and moving the discussion forward.

Formal Presentations / Rubric

You will prepare and deliver three formal presentations to the class. Each presentation should include a visual (PowerPoint/Prezi slides, a poster, an artifact, etc.). You should submit your visual to a private Kaizena conversation with your instructor before arriving in class on your presentation day. Each presentation will include one minute for Q&A at the end.

midterm (15%)

Your midterm will consist of both an exam covering concepts and topics we discuss in class, as well as a recording you submit on Kaizena (due before midnight on the day of the midterm). The in-class exam will require you to listen, read, and write about concepts and skills we have discussed in the class to that point.

Final TED Talk (15%) / Rubric

Our final will be a TED-style event, in which you will prepare and deliver a brief presentation in the form of a TED talk. For instance, you might persuade us to consider, or agree with, a specific position on a topic; you might persuade us to take some form of action; or you might identify a problem and propose a solution that we should adopt. You can choose to memorize or use brief notes, but either way the presentation should be well-rehearsed. Length: 5-6 minutes