Final TED Talk

Our final will be a TED-style event, in which you will prepare and deliver a brief presentation in the form of a TED talk. For instance, you might:

  • persuade us to consider, or agree with, a specific position on a topic
  • persuade us to take some form of action
  • identify a problem and propose a solution that we should adopt
  • tell a meaningful story from your own experiences that makes a point you would like to share with us

You should practice and prepare extensively, but you do not need to memorize your talk. While some TED presenters choose to memorize, it is not a requirement for you. You can also use brief notes, but either way the presentation should be well-rehearsed.

You will also answer a 2-3 minute Question & Answer (Q&A) from the audience.


  • Include a visual, uploaded to a private Kaizena conversation before arriving in class
  • Reference any sources you include using accurate spoken attribution and a “References” slide at the end
  • Length: 5-6 minutes
  • Presentations will be graded according to the Final TED Talk Rubric
  • Worth 15% of the final course grade