Group Issue Summary

Due: Wednesday, 11/1

Now that you have determined your group and your topic, work together to complete the following activities, and bring your work typed and printed to class.

1) ONE summary per group (350-500 words total) explaining what you have learned so far about the topic. You might discuss the history of the topic, common opinions on the topic in the U.S. (and your home countries, if applicable), controversies around the topic, etc.

  • In your summary, reference at least four of the sources you find (see below).
  • You do not need to follow a particular citation style, but please make it clear where ideas and information come from with phrases such as, “According to [author], _____” or “[Author] notes/explains/discusses that _____.”

2) A LIST of at least SIX sources (videos, news articles, reports, podcasts, etc.). These sources should be relevant to the topic, credible, and published recently (within the last five years). Include the author, title of the article/video/etc., source (e.g. New York Times), and date it was published.