Presentation 3: “Making the Strange Familiar”
In groups of 2-3, you will research and develop a research project that explores a controversial topic or issue in U.S. culture or society (e.g. politics, education, religion, economics, race). You can choose your group members, but you are strongly encouraged to find people who you will work together with well (**suggestion: work with peers who speak a different first language).
The topic can be one we discuss in class, or it can be a topic of interest to your group that we have not discussed. You can choose to focus only on the U.S., or you can compare the topic/issue to the current situation, opinions, and viewpoints in your home countries.
You will also answer a 3-4 minute Question & Answer (Q&A) from the audience.
- Include a visual with 8-12 slides
- Reference at least 5 credible sources about the topic (news reports, data from polling organizations like Pew Research, magazine articles, academic or research-based sources, etc.); use accurate spoken attribution and include a “References” slide at the end
- Discuss Americans’ opinions on the topic based either on your opinion polls (30+ people), or on interviews you conduct with individuals. This is NOT the focus of your presentation, however–just one component.
- Length: 8-10 minutes (each person should speak at least 3-5 minutes)
- Presentations will be graded according to this Group Rubric
- Worth 15% of the final course grade
- View a sample group presentation