Online Class Work, Monday 8/21

Unfortunately, due to unexpected family circumstances, I will need to move class online for Monday, August 21. Therefore, I will ask you to please complete a few activities online that we would have otherwise done in class.

We will meet as usual on Wednesday, August 23. For that day, please bring your completed “Questions for Preparation” for the Discussion 1: Language = Identity?

Online Work

Please do the following before midnight on Monday, August 21: 

Part I
  1. Review these two resources: Color Vowel Chart and Front Vowel Tongue Positions.
  2. Listen to me say the sounds, and then practice these sounds as I say them. 
  3. In a private Kaizena conversation with me, type a comment that says, “Vowel Practice.” When you’re ready, reply to that comment with a recording (or two) of yourself saying the “minimal pair” words

Part ii

Watch this instructional video on how English speakers in the U.S. commonly ask for clarification in conversations (stop watching at 7:40).

While you may be familiar with these phrases, focus on how Rachel explains the pronunciation and “intonation” (melody or tone) of these phrases. Practice saying these phrases with the pronunciation and intonation that she explains.

In our whole-class Kaizena conversation, type a short response to the following questions: 

  • Which of these phrases or expressions (if any) was difficult to say?
  • In your native language, can you think how you might use intonation, tone, or melody to convey ideas or meaning?
  • Rachel asks two questions (at 7:30). How would you respond to her questions?
  • Briefly tell us about a memorable conversation you’ve had with an American or with an English speaker. Who was it, and what was the conversation? Did you have to ask for clarification? What was easy or difficult about it, and why?

Finally, please reply to at least TWO of your classmates’ comments.

Part III

Please sign up for your first, second, and third preferences for leading a discussion this semester.