Exploring Issues the U.S. + News Report

Due: Oct. 16 in class

To help us begin exploring topics/issues that you could research for your group presentation, prepare a brief overview of a current topic or issue in U.S. society that interests you. In class, we will discuss these topics and then choose groups for the presentation.

Note: You may end up choosing a different topic for your presentation, as we will need to form groups.
Your overview should include the following (handwritten or printed):
  • A 200-word summary that explains 1) what the topic/issue is, 2) historical context and current events related to the topic/issue, 3) common perspectives or opinions on the issue
  • 1-2 sentences explaining what interests you about the topic/issue, and any questions you have about the topic
  • A short summary (200-300 words) of a news article related to your topic. (see suggested news sites on the previous News Report assignment).
  • A list of at least THREE other topics you would be interested in

Possible topics

  • Race relations
  • Controversial issues (GMOs, climate change, gun control, immigration)
  • Education (higher education, college athletes, college tuition)
  • Religion (generational differences, religious freedom)
  • Politics (political parties, political structures, immigration, health care)
  • Family/gender (marriage, dating, gender identity, gender roles/equality)
  • Others you think of!
Suggested sources