News Report & Midterm Eval

Due: Monday, 10/9

**First, please take a few minutes to offer your feedback on the course so far in the midterm evaluation. Your feedback is much appreciated!**

Please find a news article about a current event or issue in the U.S., or related to the U.S., that interests you. You can choose an article from any source, but below are some suggestions. As you choose your news sources, be conscious of the political and ideological “leanings” of the source:

Read the article carefully, and then write a short summary (200-300 words) of the article. Bring this handwritten or typed/printed to class. Be sure to include the title of the article and the source.

You will use this summary to give a short oral “report” to the class. You may also need to provide additional background, such as historical or cultural context, to help us understand the event or issue.