Oral Diagnostic Recording

For your first class assignment, I would like you to introduce yourself to me by recording short responses to the following questions. Use your smartphone or computer to complete the recording (if you are unsure how to do this, email me and I can help).

You can prepare your thoughts before recording, but please do NOT read from a script—I want to hear your natural speaking abilities so that I can best help you improve your skills this semester. You only need to answer each question with a few phrases; please try to keep your recording to under 6-7 minutes. 

To submit your recording: Create a new conversation in our Kaizena group; the conversation should be private, only with me. Use the microphone icon to record yourself and post your recording to our conversation. (see these brief instructions, or these more detailed instructions).


  1. Please tell me a bit about yourself (such as where you’re from, what you like to do for fun, hobbies you have, etc.).
  2. How long have you been studying English? What are your language goals for the semester?
  3. What did you do over the summer break?
  4. Why did you choose to study at NC State?
  5. What is one thing you miss most about your home country?
  6. Recommend a food dish from your country that I should try, or a place in your country that I should visit.
  7. What is one goal you have for the future?
  8. If you had never traveled outside of your home country, how would your life be different?
  9. In your opinion, what is the most urgent problem in the world today, and why? How should we try to solve it?

When you finish, please take about 2-3 minutes to complete this short “Self-Evaluation” survey, which helps me know better what you would most like to focus on this semester.