Presentation 2: “Talk Nerdy to Me”

In this more formal presentation, you will teach the class about a specific topic of interest or current research focus in your field of study, an important contribution (e.g. a theory or invention) that your field has given society, or the general work that scholars do in your field.

To support the ideas in this presentation, you should also interview a professor (or graduate student) in your field, or in a relevant field. We will discuss in class how to conduct such an interview.

You will also answer a brief 2-3 minute Question & Answer (Q&A) from the audience.

Generally, your presentation should:

  • Introduce the topic by providing an overview of the field and specific topic
  • Define key terms and concepts for an audience not familiar with your field or topic
  • Discuss why the topic is important to people in your field and/or to society
  • Reference the interview with the professor to explain or support the ideas


  • Include a visual with 2-5 slides, uploaded to a private Kaizena conversation before arriving in class (include a “References” slide at the end of your presentation).
  • Include spoken references at least 2 credible sources relevant to your field. Additionally, briefly discuss the interview with your professor as a “source” to support the bigger ideas of your presentation.
  • Length: 4-6 minutes
  • Presentations will be graded according to this presentation rubric
  • Worth 10% of the final course grade