Syllables, Stress & Spoken English

Due: Wed., 9/13
What is a syllable? A syllable is one unit of sound in a word that includes ONE vowel sound (remember your vowel chart) and 0-3 consonant sounds. In longer words, one of the syllables will be stressed.
Ex: In the word “store,” there is one syllable, and it is stressed (STORE). In the word “profession,” there are three syllables, and the second is stressed (pro-FES-sion).
Please watch three short videos:
Please answer the following questions, and bring your answers (printed or handwritten) to class:
  1. Were there any 3-syllable words that you found difficult to hear the stress pattern that Rachel identified?
  2. Rachel says that verbs are “content” words and therefore are stressed. How does she says to give stress to a content word, such as a verb?
  3. Rachel suggests five strategies for improving your listening based on understanding American English pronunciation. Use Strategy #4 to listen and write down what you hear in this TED Talk clip. We will check your answers in class!